martes, 26 de marzo del 2019
Oscar lleva el Fitness hasta Los Angeles
Más allá de la cantidad de horas y peso que le mete al cuerpo en el gimnasio, Oscar Hernández es bien meticuloso con lo que come. Ahí está el balance perfecto para lograr el cuerpo que exhibe hoy día.

Su ingesta calórica diaria incluye 300 gramos de proteínas, 60 gramos de grasa y 100 gramos en carbohidratos. Las proteínas las consume del pollo y pescado; la fibra, del broccoli y los espárragos; y las grasas, del aguacate y las nueces.

También hay espacio para 'pecar'. Oscar separa tres horas, un día a la semana, para comer todo lo que se le antoje. Ese es su momento semanal para 'hacer trampa'...

Oscar nació en Medellín, Colombia, pero vive en Los Angeles, California. Hernández tiene un grado universitario en International Business, y una maestría en Finanzas de la UADE (Universidad Argentina de la Empresa) en Buenos Aires.

En el mundo de los negocios, Oscar está próximo a abrir un moderno gimnasio en el downtown en Los Angeles, el cual contará con alta tecnología y DJ's mixeando en vivo.


What do you do for living?

» OSCAR HERNÁNDEZ, Fitness Model & Coach «

"Currently my life has been dedicated to building a fitness facility in Downtown Los Angeles, it has been stressful but we are now getting close to the last phase of construction and i am aiming to open around May this year. The gym is called F45 and is a new way to lose weight and build muscle in a fun environment that includes technology, dj's in session and much more".

«« HVM »»

What was your inspiration, motivation to do a sports career in Fitness Modeling and Coaching?


"I was not happy with my body's shape for the last years of high school and before joining the university. I wanted to change my body, and so I joined the gym and since then I have become an iron addict. 12 years steady."

«« HVM »»

How’s your weekly diet, what do you eat?


"Right now my diet is very difficult but I am very proud with the results I have gotten. Daily I consume around 300 grs of protein, 60 grs of fat and 100 grs of carbs. And once per week I use 3 hours to eat anything I want (my cheat day). My diet is based on protein from chicken and seafood, fiber from broccoli and asparagus, and fats from avocados and seeds."

«« HVM »»

Are you OK with women having implants at her glutes to be Fitness Models?


"I don’t like butt implants because I know it is a very difficult muscle to develop for some people, but I also know that with a lot of efforts and lifting you can develop beautiful glutes that will perfectly match your body. Remember your butt is a muscle and we can develop any muscle."

«« HVM »»

In a weekly schedule, what do you do to develop the pectorals and upper body?


"For pecs and upper body my favorite exercises are dumbbell flies and presses (incline or flat). For my back and to get that v shape in my upper body I have always been a good friend of pull ups and single arm dumbbell rows.".

[World Fitness Centers ya abrió en San Juan, frente a la Suiza Dairy]

«« HVM »»

When you look at the mirror, what do you see?


"I am a very self-analytical person and I believe I have achieved a lot. But I also know that there is much more to do, and that my body is like an experiment. You can go as far as you want when your mind is focused and your body is connected to your mind .

[Deportiva Boutique @ Guayama]

[Nutrition World: Manatí, Hatillo y pronto Trujillo]

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