lunes, 07 de septiembre del 2015
MLB: Si los Mets llegan a Playoffs... Harvey tirará.

Luego de su anuncio de no lanzar más en 2015 que nos dejó más dudas que un acertijo de "The Riddler", el "Dark Knight" Matt Harvey ha arrojado un poco de luz. Harvey escribió ayer en la tarde en "The Players' Tribune" y el mensaje central es que si los Mets entran a playoffs, el lanzará. La conclusión razonable para la confusión o titubeo inicial, es que este "Dark Knight" es humano. Muchos heroes son Dioses, Hijos de Dioses, Mutantes, Criaturas de otros planetas o Galaxias. Pero Harvey no. Harvey como humano carga con los miedos naturales de alguien de nuestra condición. Pues la inmortalidad ni la invencibilidad son cosa nuestra. El fallar o quebrarse es una posibilidad. Y luego de su operación el que pueda volver a lastimarse o que se pueda afectar su carrera debe ser un pensamiento que retumbe en su mente como si fuera una recta de 100millas llegando a la trocha.
Harvey ha meditado y si Ciudad Gótica, que diga los Mets llegan a estar cara a cara ante el villano de los Playoffs, el ayudará. Eso hacen los heroes. Vencen sus propios demonios no solo por su bien. Más bien por el bien mayor. El bienestar del colectivo.

Lean el escrito de Harvey...

"You’ve heard about the 180-185 innings cap. That seems to be the number that will allow me to pitch into the postseason. Regardless of those numbers, I hope everyone knows: I have always wanted to play. I have always wanted to pitch every single chance I get.

Especially in the playoffs.

Right now we’re hunkered down in a fight to make the postseason. All of our efforts are focused on that task. As a team, we understand that there’s still a lot of baseball left to play. The chance to make a run in the playoffs will require our full dedication, energy and passion. This is an incredibly exciting time to be part of the Mets.

As an athlete, when your surgeon explains to you the risks of exceeding a certain number of innings, it can be alarming. You listen. I love to play baseball and I love winning even more. I would not give that up for anything. I also know I want to be able to play and win for a long time. But there has never been a doubt in my mind: I will pitch in the playoffs. I will be healthy, active and ready to go.

I am communicating with my agent, my doctor, Sandy and the entire Mets organization. I can assure everyone that we’re all on the same page.

Together, we are coming up with a plan to reach an innings limit during the season. It will be a compromise between the doctors and the Mets organization to get me, and the team, to where we need to be for our postseason run.

I understand the risks. I am also fully aware of the opportunity the Mets have this postseason. Winning the division and getting to the playoffs is our goal.

Once we are there, I will be there".